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Hugh Casey, PSIA Ski Instructor

Level 3 Certified Professional Ski Instructors Association (PSIA) Instructor and Trainer. Formerly a scientist and inventor.
Hugh"At age 71, I thought I was doomed to deterirate. I have been involvd in sports all my life. As a result of Pilates for Yoga® I learned how to stretch in a way that permanently alleviates hip, knees and back pain and I have increased stability and flexibility. In my opinion the Pilates for Yoga® system should be part of the national PSIA training." Santa Fe, NM

Linda Hassamer, Nutrition Specialist

Linda“I had serious back surgery and never expected to have mobility in my back again. Before I stated Pilates for Yoga I could not get up and down off the ground or lie on my back. Now I’m doing forward and backward bends safely and am pain free. It’s amazing!” Santa Fe, NM

Debi Bragg, Hair Designer

“I have had low back pain for years. After 3 personal training hours I now have no pain at all, and even feel like I could salsa dance! Pilates for Yoga® is giving me more energy at work and it takes away the stress." Santa Fe, NM

Doug Cox, construction

“My knees are shot - arthritic, no cartilage, the ACL is torn, ligaments are shot. When I decided to run again, Hallie prescribed the CW-X pants. Because the pants supply support laterally at the knee, I have no stress on my knees. I also appreciate the core support and the support from vertical impact.” Santa Fe, NM

woman arms crossed



The Book


Stress Reduction & Better Sleep CDs

Fit Mind Body Brain Testimonial Video