iRest® experience: "Whenever there were difficult circumstances in my life, my way of dealing with them was to force forward with every fiber, get a grip on everything around me and seize control. My mind was always full of 100 ways I was going to solve all my problems and everyone else's if they'd only do what I told them to do. By living this way I was making myself sick with stress. I found the iRest training to be of immense value for myself and everyone around me. I felt much calmer and 200% physically better. No more migraines. I am now able to listen patiently to others instead of telling them what to do and trying to "fix" everything. I feel more positive, less burdened, and the hard things in my life go a whole lot easier. I sleep better too." 

Pilates for Yoga® experience: “I was active and athletic until I broke my thigh bone in a skiing accident. After surgery (a metal rod and screws) and physical therapy and 8 months, I could only hobble, bent over, instead of walk, and often had to use a cane. Through all those months my leg throbbed and I had to constantly take pain medications to get through the days.  I did not sleep well at night, and I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything before noon the next day because I was too stiff to move. I began to lose hope that I would ever be mobile again. Then I began personal mind-body training with Hallie. After one hour of yoga therapy the throbbing leg pain and the stiffness in my hips diminished considerably. I continued to feel much better with each hour of training. By the fourth hour of Pilates for Yoga, I was walking upright! I was also sleeping better. After only a handful of weeks I have graduated from rehabilitation and am now doing Pilates for Yoga fitness core training." Santa Fe, NM