jane_rosemont_pic"To be guided into such a relaxed and open state was easier than I anticipated, and the experience was akin to a mini vacation. The immediate feeling was that I had achieved more rest than some full nights of sleep. But even better, that feeling didn't end with the session. I found myself singing cheery songs to myself all day and feeling even more hopeful and productive than normal. During iRest I saw a warm, loving, inspiring light that I invited to fill my body. The sensation was so real, and I love that at any given time now I can be fully aware of that light. Sometimes I return to awareness of that light because I want to feel calm in a stressful situation, other times it is because I need a creative boost. As an artist, I see this experience as awakening even more curiosity - "What if....any time I felt less-than-inspired I could call upon this light and let it guide me to creative expressions that I never dared approach?" As a person, this experience can help me in endless ways; when I'm frustrated in traffic, the light can soothe me. When a friend is in need, the light can calm me and encourage the right words. When I'm overwhelmed with multitasking, the light can remind me that everything gets done in due time. " Santa Fe, NM