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If stress, insomnia or physical or emotional pain are your daily companions or those of the people you work with, Hallie can help with iRest® a research based practice of deep relaxation and nervous system release that allows all of us living high demand lives to de-stress and perform at optimal levels. iRest® was developed by Richard Miller, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, who worked with the military to bring it to  Walter Reed Medical Center and other U.S. military settings to help soldiers and veterans heal from post traumatic stress, depression, insomnia, chronic pain and other stress related issues.

Extensive science and brain research has demonstrated that iRest®:

  • Increases energy, a sense of control, confidence, and joy.
  • Increases sound sleep, peace and well-being.
  • Decreases stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and depression.

In iRest®  your brain waves slow, your body is fully and deeply relaxed and your mind is in a conscious state of restful alertness where thoughts cease and you experience the effects of three to four hours of sleep in less than thirty minutes. You wake up clear headed and ready to resume your workday. The effects also produce a continued state of well being and sound sleep at night.

In research studies, iRest® has been shown to increase serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, the “feel good” chemicals of the brain, and reduce toxic cortisol release during stress, resulting in significantly lower levels of anxiety, depression and anger. 

Stress, past trauma or pain interferes with energy levels, clear thinking, creative problem solving and balance in work and relationships. iRest® provides you with tools to reduce stress, enhance resilience and reduce pain. 

Having received advanced training from the Integrative Restoration Institute and Richard Miller, Hallie has been teaching iRest® Yoga Nidra  to groups and individuals across the country. 



Integrative Restoration®
iRest® is a research based practice of deep relaxation and nervous system release that allows attorneys, athletes and all of us living high demand lives to perform at optimal levels. iRest® was developed by Richard Miller, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, author and researcher. Extensive science and brain research has demonstrated that iRest® increases energy, confidence and joy; increases a sense of control, peace and well-being; decreases stress, anxiety, chronic pain and depression.
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IAYT CertifiedYogaTherapist
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The Book


Stress Reduction & Better Sleep CDs

Fit Mind Body Brain Testimonial Video